Saturday, September 1, 2007

The End

ACC has been over for almost two weeks, and I still get pangs of nostalgia. I didn't think I would miss ACC, Beijing, and China so much. I thought I would be happy to leave the pollution, subtle (and some not so subtle) discrimination, and msg saturated food behind, and come back to blue skies, diversity, acceptance, and Caesar salads. Instead, I find myself missing Beijing's festive atmosphere, my friends and teachers from ACC, and surprisingly, even the hordes of people everywhere, something that I found so suffocating while I was in China. The pace at which life moves in Beijing and Arizona is so different - when I was studying at ACC, I missed Arizona's tranquility, and coming back, I find myself sorely missing Beijing's energy.

Thank you again Light Fellowship for giving me this amazing opportunity. I've grown so much this summer through this experience. Besides getting a chance to see Nu Jiang and what I've been researching all last semester with my own eyes, and being able to dedicate all of my energy for an entire summer to learning Chinese, I feel like I've found a second home. One that is sometimes a little unnerving in its attitudes and a lot intimidating in its expectations of me as an Asian American, but one that is exciting in its hustle and bustle, and filled with great memories I'll cherish for a lifetime.