Saturday, May 26, 2007

attempt #??

I remember in 4th grade - when we first moved to the US - my dad handed me a green spiral notebook, told me that I should keep a diary, and that he would give me a quarter for every entry I wrote. I think I made a little over three dollars as I journaled feverishly for less than two weeks before I decided that I could spend the extra hour writing everyday much more enjoyably by filling my brain with rubbish like Hardy Boys and Goosebumps. Over the years, I've tried to pick up journaling again - like the one time in 10th grade when I asked my mom to buy me a diary. She came home with a hot pink fabric-bound book that repulsed my then tomboyish nature so much it still sits neglected at the bottom of my underwear drawer, completely blank. And that one time summer after junior year when I was teaching in China: I became so motivated about recording every moment of my experience that I rushed to the stationary store and bought not one, but three notebooks (obviously planning ahead for what I thought would be many grand years of dedicated journaling). This attempt fared a little better, although not by much. I managed to fill a quarter of one notebook, though unfortunately, not with any memorable insights, but with the ramblings of a love-stricken 16 year old excited at the prospect of a summer fling. And finally there was my Xanga, an online blog that I posted on for a couple of years, which sounds impressive compared to my earlier attempts, but considering that I wrote two sentence posts every month or so, becomes just another sham.

And here I am today - having just created this blog a little less than an hour ago and already beginning to dread the downward spiral of journal abandonment. I am slightly pacified by the fact that there is an added motivation this time since I'm not just blogging for myself, but also for the Light Foundation. And considering that they were generous enough to fund what is going to be an amazing summer, forcing myself to once more give journaling a try is little to ask for in return, right? Well, at least it's better motivation than a quarter an entry. So, here to another shot at this thing called journaling. Cheers.


Kelly McLaughlin said...

Well, just pretend that it's a requirement (sort of is, I guess) and not an option! That might help. :)

mngyln said... had it so much better than I did. My brother and I were punished if we didn't write daily journal entries, and we were FINED a quarter for every English word my parents heard us say.

Now the question is...who turned out better? :-P